General Terms of Use

Pop translation is a website that allows individual or professional clients (referred to as « Clients or Client ») to purchase service offerings related to documents or website content (referred to as « Contents or Content »), specifically to translate, correct, or write these Contents (these three terms are referred to as « Services ») by Freelancers qualified by Pop translation (hereinafter referred to as « Freelancer(s) »). Pop translation facilitates the connection between Clients and Freelancers who perform the Services. The use of the Services and websites provided by Pop translation (referred to as « Pop translation », « », « we », « our », or « us »), by you (referred to as « Freelancer », « you », « your », or « yours ») is subject to these General Terms of Use (referred to as « Terms ») and to Pop translation’s Privacy Policy.
Pop translation and the Freelancer hereinafter collectively referred to as the « Parties » and individually as a « Party ».
Company Name: L’OEIL POP Corporate Headquarters
Address: 40 BIS Ernest Renan Street, 92130- Issy-les-Moulineaux
RCS Nanterre: 529 554 529 Share Capital: 10,000 euros
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +33 1 46 42 01 43
Publication Director: Alexandre MORELLI
Host: OVH Host Address: 19 Pl. Françoise Dorin, 75017 Paris

Acceptance of Terms

Your registration for the Services offered on it constitutes acceptance of these Terms. If you are registered on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you must be the legal representative, or have obtained express authorization. Pop translation reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. In this case, we will immediately post the new Terms online. Your actual use of the Services offered by Pop translation after the publication of the updated Terms will constitute full and complete acceptance of these. This document is the original version, written in French, of Pop translation’s Terms. In case of contradiction between this text and one of the translations available on the linguistic variations of Pop translation, the French version shall prevail.

Description of Services

TRANSLATION SERVICE Translation is a service that allows obtaining content in one language from original content written in a different language. As far as possible and taking into account the cultural and linguistic subtleties of the language being translated, the Freelancer commits to preserving as completely as possible the general spirit, organization of information, and type of vocabulary used.
CORRECTION SERVICE The correction is a service that allows the Client to submit content to a Freelancer so that the latter can correct all errors and defects. The correction focuses on vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation, structure, style, and syntax. If desired, the Client may ask the Freelancer to limit their review to one or more of these aspects. In such cases, it must be clearly explained in the initial request that defines the project.
TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE Transcription is a service that allows for transcribing all information coming from a video or audio file, whether the file is in digital format or not, to obtain a text file.


  1. Translation and Correction Service The Client may submit to Pop translation a document, a database excerpt, or free text and add explanations to guide the Freelancer in their mission (hereinafter defined together as “Initial Request”).
  2. Writing Service For each project, the Freelancer is provided with a number of elements to guide their mission. It is understood that: The expected word count is to be understood with a margin of +/- 10% (for an order of 500 words, you may deliver a text of 450 to 550 words). It may also be requested a maximum or minimum number of words which must then be strictly adhered to. The “Keywords” option allows the Client to indicate a series of words or phrases that you must integrate into the Content with a certain frequency. You commit to respecting the Client’s Initial Request taking into account the general understanding of the text.
3- Transcription Service Transcription is a service that allows for transcribing all information coming from a video or audio file, whether the file is in digital format or not, to obtain a text file.
  1. All Services The Freelancer commits to executing a quality Service in accordance with the Client’s Initial Request.
ORDER RULES The Freelancer commits not to:
  • write text that may infringe the universal and individual rights of a legal or physical person;
  • produce Content that contains defamatory or insulting remarks against a legal or physical person, alive or dead;
  • propose Content that is contrary to good morals, that advocates violence, hatred or racism, or that is considered illegal or contrary to public order;
  • propose Content that is erotic or pornographic (unless this results from a specific request from the client, which must be in complete agreement with your personal and religious considerations);
  • translate works (such as a book);
  • make unpleasant or defamatory remarks.


You acknowledge being solely responsible for the use of documents and information that the Client attaches to his project on Pop translation (collectively, « External Contents » and « External Links »). Given the amount of information exchanged, Pop translation cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and legality of the Content disseminated.


Once you have accepted a sheet, you have a variable deadline to deliver the Content to the client. The maximum time is indicated on each presentation sheet. Beyond this deadline, the sheet is withdrawn from you and anything you have potentially already done for it is deleted permanently. This deadline may, however, be suspended if an exchange is established with the Client or Pop translation support to clarify the need.
Pop translation reserves the right to withdraw any mission from the Freelancer, without remuneration, in the event of non-compliance by the Freelancer with the agreed deadlines or the expected quality of service.


Pop translation commits to assigning projects to Freelancers who meet the criteria set by the Client in the Initial Request. These Conditions are concluded intuitu personae, the Freelancer commits to directly executing the Services. As a result, they may not subcontract the execution in whole or in part to a third party under penalty of damages.


The Client has a period of 7 calendar days from the submission of the Content by the Freelancer to check compliance with its Initial Request. This period may be extended to 14 days in some cases in the event of special agreements between Pop translation and the Client.
If not accepted within the deadlines, the Content submitted by the Freelancer will be considered to have been accepted by the Client. However, it may be that a Client has not been able to review the Content within the given deadlines. In such a case, the Freelancer commits to carrying out the modification requests asked by the Client, even if the Content has already been automatically approved.
If the Client believes that the Content submitted does not fully meet their expectations, they can request a revision from the Freelancer. In this context, the Client commits to being as precise as possible in their exchanges with the Freelancer to facilitate the revision of the Content. The number of revision requests is not limited, and the Client can contact the Freelancer as long as they are not satisfied and the Freelancer deems these requests justified.
In the context of a revision request, the Freelancer is put in direct contact with the Client via an internal messaging system at Pop translation. It is understood, concerning these exchanges, that:
  • it is strictly forbidden for the Freelancer to seek by any means whatsoever the contact details of the Client in order to contact them outside of the environment provided by Pop translation, under penalty of seeing their account permanently deleted with total loss of accumulated earnings and pursuit in damages;
  • Pop translation may access at any time and without any limit the content of exchanges, this to rule on moderation or to control the proper conduct of operations between the Client and the Freelancer.
If the Client believes that the Freelancer has not respected their Initial Request, they can refuse their Content. The opening of a refusal procedure involves the control of a third-party moderator who will study the relevance of the client’s refusal. If the moderator believes that the Client’s refusal is justified, the Service is taken back from the Freelancer, and the order is immediately relaunched with a new Freelancer; if the moderator rejects the Client’s request, the content may be considered validated, or the moderator may ask the Freelancer to apply some modifications so that the Content complies with the Client’s Initial Request.
If you believe that the Client’s revision requests are not justified in light of the Initial Request, you can request the intervention of a moderator. This third party will analyze the Initial Request of the Client, the Content produced, and the various exchanges and revisions. If the moderator believes that the Freelancer’s solicitation is founded, the Content is automatically considered correct without the Client being able to oppose any contestation; if the moderator believes that the Client’s revision requests are justified, you are obliged to resume your Freelance work until full and complete satisfaction of the Client (as long as it still respects the Initial Request).


As a Freelancer, you are subject to a strict and complete confidentiality agreement. This applies to the very existence of the Service provided to the Client, especially to the Contents and exchanges with the Client.
The information exchanged between the Parties and/or between the Clients of Pop translation and the Freelancer is strictly confidential. The Freelancer commits, during the entire duration of their relationship with Pop translation and for a period of five (5) years from the end of their relationship with Pop translation and/or from the date of communication of the documents by the Clients to ensure the strictest confidentiality and is responsible for the respect of this confidentiality obligation towards anyone. The Freelancer therefore commits never to transmit or reveal any element provided directly or indirectly by the Client to anyone.
Pop translation would employ all necessary and sufficient means to protect its interests if a Freelancer were to not respect this confidentiality commitment, and the Freelancer commits to pay to Pop translation damages and interests to the Freelancer of fifty thousand euros (50,000 €) in the event of a violation of this clause by their actions. The Freelancer also commits never to claim the realization of Services on behalf of the Client nor to use their brand, logo, and any other element of intellectual property of the Client.
This confidentiality obligation does not apply to the production of any information in the context of an administrative, judicial request, or emanating from any competent authority.


The entire system of Pop translation has been designed in such a way that at no time is it possible for you to directly or indirectly detect the identity of a Client. Your responsibility involves maintaining an anonymous character to all contents and exchanges between you and the Clients.
In the case where a Freelancer would attempt to contact a Client to offer their services directly or communicate their personal or professional contact details, the Freelancer commits to pay to Pop translation a compensation to the Freelancer of five thousand euros (5,000 €) per violation.

Payment and billing GENERALITIES

  1. Rates Pop translation is based on a principle of payment per word calculated based on the Client’s order. The word is the unit of calculation used on Pop translation.
The value of the word is indicated on each mission proposed on Pop translation, before acceptance by the Freelancer. Acceptance of a mission at the indicated rate constitutes irrevocable acceptance by the Freelancer of the proposed rate. 2. Reference currency: the Euro The reference currency of Pop translation is the Euro (€) 3. Payment terms The Freelancer must have a Paypal account to receive their earnings.
Pop translation is not responsible for payment fees applied by PayPal.


The Freelancer acknowledges being able to issue invoices and being in